- 06 Nov, 2022
- 3 dəq

- art music - professionallar tərəfindən yazılan və ifa olunan elit musiqi; Classical music and opera can be considered art music.
- anthem - himn; The national anthems of both teams are played before football matches.
- background music - arxafon musiqisi; Holywood films have incredible background music.
- band - musiqi qrupu; The most amazing band was Gaya in Azerbaijan.
- catchy tune - xoş və asanlıqla yadda qalan; Bands get popular because they play catchy tunes, and people love catchy tunes.
- choir - xor; She sings in the school choir.
- classical music - klassik musiqi; Uzeyir Hajibeyov is recognized as the father of Azerbaijani classical music.
- composer - One of my favoured composers is Asaf Zeynally.
- copyright - müəlliflik hüququ; Who owns the copyright on this song?
- (have) eclectic taste - bir çox musiqi növünü sevmək; I have an eclectic taste in music.
- folk music - xalq musiqisi; My parents are used to listening to Azerbaijani folk music, such as mugham and ashiq.
- genre - janr; The only genre that we studied at secondary school was classical music.
- harmonica - ağız qarmonu; He played a tune on his harmonica.
- harmonious - xoşahəngli; Harmonious music relieves my stress.
- hit - uğurlu/məşhur musiqi; Katy Perry’s song was a hit last year.
- improvise - improvizasiya etmək/əvvəclədən hazırlaşmadan performans göstərmək; I forgot to take my notes, so I had to improvise.
- instrumental music - oxuma olmayan musiqi; I’m a massive fan of instrumental music.
- live - canlı; There is live music to entertain guests at the weekend.
- lyrics - mahnı sözləri; Do you pay attention to lyrics of music?
- masterpiece - şedevr; Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata is a masterpiece.
- musical taste - musiqi zövqü; My musical taste has changed over time.
- piece of music - musiqi parçası; Fazil Say played a piece of music of his own composition.
- record - val; The record player didn’t work to play the records.
- rhythm - ritm; I can't dance to music without a good rhythm.
- sing along - musiqi ifa olunarkən birlikdə oxumaq; I love to sing along with the music.
- speakers - səsgücləndirici; Connect the speakers to the computer.
- string - sim; A violin has four strings.
- track - albomda olan bir musiqi; The album has ten tracks.
- tune - melodya; I know the tune, but I don’t remember its name.
- violin - skripka; He taught himself to play the violin.